Gnana Sundar

E-Commerce Product Page Checklist

Creating an effective eCommerce product page is essential for driving sales and improving search engine rankings. Here’s a detailed product page layout in tabulated format that outlines the key sections and their placement on the page.

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Key Sections Explained

Product Images:

  • What: High-quality images showcasing the product from various angles.
  • Why: Visuals are crucial for online shoppers; they need to see the product clearly.
  • How: Use a main image with zoom functionality and additional thumbnail images.

Product Title:

  • What: The product name/title.
  • Why: Clearly indicates the product to both users and search engines.
  • How: Place the title in an H1 tag and make it keyword-rich.

Product Rating and Reviews:

  • What: Display the average rating and number of reviews.
  • Why: Builds trust and provides social proof.
  • How: Use star icons and review counts prominently.

Pricing Section:

  • What: Display the price, original price if discounted, and any offers.
  • Why: Clear pricing information is crucial for conversion.
  • How: Highlight current price, show original price if applicable, and list any discounts.

Stock Status:

  • What: Indicate if the product is in stock or out of stock.
  • Why: Helps manage customer expectations.
  • How: Use clear, visible text to indicate stock status.

Call to Action (CTA):

  • What: Add to Cart and Buy Now buttons.
  • Why: Facilitates the purchase process.
  • How: Make these buttons prominent and visually distinct.

Key Product Information:

  • What: Brief description and key features list.
  • Why: Provides a quick overview of the product’s main benefits.
  • How: Use bullet points for easy readability.

Detailed Product Description:

  • What: In-depth information about the product.
  • Why: Helps customers understand the product better, influencing their buying decision.
  • How: Write a detailed, engaging description and include a specifications table.

Customer Reviews and Ratings:

  • What: Display customer feedback and ratings.
  • Why: Builds trust and provides social proof.
  • How: Show individual reviews and a summary of ratings.

Related Products:

  • What: Display related or frequently bought together products.
  • Why: Encourages additional purchases.
  • How: Showcase similar products or those often purchased together.

FAQ Section:

  • What: Common questions and answers.
  • Why: Reduces customer uncertainty.
  • How: Provide a list of frequently asked questions with answers.

Social Proof Section:

  • What: Social media share buttons and user-generated content.
  • Why: Increases product visibility and engagement.
  • How: Include share buttons and showcase customer photos and videos.

Footer Section:

  • What: Additional links like return policy, shipping information, and contact info.
  • Why: Provides essential information and support.
  • How: Place these links at the bottom of the page for easy access.


Optimizing your eCommerce product pages with the right elements and structure is a crucial step towards increasing visibility, building trust, and driving sales. While implementing these sections is straightforward, ongoing optimization and regular updates are essential to stay competitive and continuously win sales.

Remember, the key to success in eCommerce lies in the consistent effort to refine and improve your product pages based on user feedback and performance data.

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